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Direct Instruction

What is Direct Instruction (DI)?

Direct Instruction (or “DI”) is a unique and very effective, nationally acclaimed program that teaches children reading, early language, and math skills.

DI is known for its clever and creative way of teaching children. What makes DI programs different and special are the carefully designed lessons. All programs are arranged and organized into precise, small and sequential steps with specific examples and wording. The children learn quickly.

These clear presentations and strategies help children get past typical trouble spots. Lessons gradually progress from simple and easy to more difficult and complicated learning. DI lessons demand active participation from the children in order to maintain their interest and attention. Rapid pacing and choral group response punctuated by individual turns characterize the delivery of a DI lesson. Children progress from directed and guided activities to increasingly more independent work. Over time, they become proud of what they know and can do and confident in their ability to learn.

The steps in DI have been developed from extensive field testing with hundreds of children over thirty years. No other program used today has been as extensively researched and developed.

Because Arthur Academy is a small school, we can be sure that these highly-specialized programs will be implemented correctly and skillfully.

The evidence is clear: DI works with children at all ability levels.


Arthur Academy Public Charter School

Serving K-5th Grade. A quality education for your child in a safe and welcoming environment where students thrive and love to learn!

Arthur Academy does not discriminate and prohibits discrimination in any of its programs, procedures, or practices against any person on the basis of Age, Disability, National Origin, Race, Color, Marital Status, Religion, Sex, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity or any other characteristic protected under the law.
Civil Rights Coordinator: Stephani Walker,
Title IX Coordinator: Stephani Walker,
504 Coordinator: Kandice Burton,
ADA Coordinator: Stephani Walker,

For more information about Civil Rights/Title IX 


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